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Nick Peterson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship
Christian Theological Seminary
Indianapolis, IN

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My Story

Dr. Nick Peterson holds a PhD from the Graduate Division of Religion at Emory University, a Bachelor of Arts from Franklin & Marshall College in Africana Studies and Business Management, and a Master of Divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary. His dissertation, On Being an Issue of Delores: A Meditation on Black Faith in an Antiblack World, explores how black faith engenders intramural care practices, which he calls black-on-black care. This transformative care contends with and sometimes exceeds the constraints of antiblackness. As a practical theologian, Peterson interrogates how intentional and unintentional practices shape Christian identities and configure worldviews. Teaching in preaching and worship, he is acutely interested in the ways biblical interpretation, tradition, culture, and social location inform public proclamation and liturgy. Dr. Peterson is an ordained Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and has served broadly in the local church as assistant pastor, pastor, minister of music, and youth minister. He has demonstrated commitment to ecumenism and has held positions in Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Mennonite, UCC, and UMC contexts

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Indianapolis. IN 46235


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